How to Get a Labour Ready Job in Abbotsford

January 13, 2022by Micah Shaw

The labour market worldwide has taken a huge hit over these last two years. Many people lost their jobs, and some are still feeling the effects. As it relates to unemployment and their economy, however, Canada is on the road to recovery. 

Canada labour market

According to a labour force survey done in November 2021, employment rose by 154,000 in November and was 186,000 higher than its pre-COVID February 2020 level. The unemployment rate fell to 6.0%, within 0.3 percentage points of what it was in February 2020.

British Columbia’s unemployment rate in particular is also improving. The unemployment rate in British Columbia was down 5.6% in November, down 1.7% points when compared to a year ago.   

Abbotsford’s Labour Force

Labour ready jobs are jobs involving physical exertion or entry-level service positions. These include industry positions in landscaping, manufacturing, auto sales, logistics, warehouse storage, trucking, and industrial assembly. According to Indeed, the average salary for a labourer pays around $18.07 hourly.

Labour Market in Abbotsford

Applying for a Labour ready Job

When applying for a labour ready job, you want to ensure you have a good working knowledge and background of the position you are applying for. As labour ready jobs tend to be more labour intensive, you also want to be physically prepared to be able to carry out your duties. 

This may include standing for long periods, lifting heavy (word) and handling machinery. Good communication and team skills are also always a plus when applying for any job. 

Preparing for/ qualifying for a labour ready job

Consider whether or not you have any experience in the field you are applying for, even if not the position directly. Noting all related qualifications and accomplishments could give you an edge over other candidates. 

Research the company and position you are applying for. This will make your recruitment process much smoother, and give you the confidence you need to rock the interview! Find out as much as you can about the industry, including any weakness and how you could assist with the growth of those areas.

People Working in Abbotsford

Congrats! You’ve got the job!

It’s your first day, so don’t be late! Making a good first impression is always a great way to start your new job. If it’s one thing you don’t want to be remembered for, it’s showing up late on the first day. 

Be sure to plan your commute carefully. Take into consideration traffic, number of stops (if you’re taking public transportation) and the predicted weather. 

Have a healthy, hearty meal before you begin. Labour intensive jobs will require a lot of physical strength, so you need to be prepared. That includes getting the nutrition you need to tackle your tasks before lunch. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions shows initiative and a willingness to learn. It will also help your supervisors to remember you, even though it’s only your first day! 

And lastly, when the day is over, you can always include some down time to release any stress from the day’s duties. 

If you are seeking a job in Abbotsford or a business seeking qualified employees, be sure to contact us for assistance with our recruitment services!


Mon-Thurs 5:30AM–3PM and Friday 5:30AM–5PM